Ursprungligen postat av xlr
Du menar att du får jobba lagligt utan arbetsvisum i Kambodja? Det tror jag inte ett skvatt på.
Nej, det menar jag inte. Jag menar att han inte kommer att få något lagligt jobb i Thailand, däremot i Kambodja är det betydligt lättare att få det. Dels har man inte samma restriktioner på vad man får jobba med, dels går ett arbetstillstånd mycket lättare att skaffa.
Det man behöver för ett arbetstillstånd i Kambodja är:
Ett Kambodjanskt "Ordinary Visa" vilket är lätt att skaffa sig, och går att förlänga i princip hur länge som helst.
Dessutom behövs följande, vilket kan skaffas inom landets gränser:
3 sets of Application Form as issued by the Ministry of Interior
Passport with valid visa
3 photographs (4×6), taken from the front without hat or glasses
Certificate of Health from a physician in Cambodia
Written work contract
Insurance policy issued by employer or any insurance company
För ett arbetstillstånd i Thailand behöver man:
T.ex ett Non-B visa. För detta erfordras följande:
Non-Immigrant Visa Category “B” (Business Visa) is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom to work or to conduct business.
(1) Foreigners who wish to work in Thailand must provide the following documents:
- Passport or travel document with validity of not less than 6 months.
- Completed visa application form.
- Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past 6 months.
- Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family).
- Letter of approval from the Ministry of Labour. To obtain this letter, the applicantÂ’s prospective employer in Thailand is required to submit Form WP3 at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour Tel. 02-2452745, or at the Provincial Employment Office in his or her respective province. More information is available at
- Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and alien income tax or Por Ngor Dor 91 (only in the case where applicant has previously worked in Thailand).
- Corporate documents of hiring company in Thailand such as:
1) business registration and business license
2) list of shareholders
3) company profile
4) details of business operation
5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions
6) map indicating location of the company
7) balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30 of the latest year)
8) value-added tax registration (Por Por 20)
- Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only).
- An alien who receives a Non-Immigrant visa can work in Thailand once he or she is being granted a work permit. An alien in violation of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979) concerning taking up employment without work permit or the Royal Decree B.E. 2522 (1979) concerning holding employment in certain restricted occupations and professions shall be prosecuted and imprisoned or fined, or shall face both penalties.
- It is recommended that the applicant should apply for visa at the Thai Embassy/ Consulate in the country where he/she has the residence.
För arbetstillståndet behövs följande:
Employee provided work permit documents:
Passport - copies of every page. Each copy must be signed by employee.
Non-Immigrant Visa
Departure Card TM.6
Education degree (signed copy) *
Transcript (signed copy) *
Certificates or licenses held by applicant (signed copy) *
CV or Resume - describe in detail the applicant's past positions, duties, performance, length and place of employment.
Photos, three (3) in quantities which are 5 x 6 centimetres in size (not passport photos) with full face and taken wearing business attire (no hat and some jurisdictions require suit and tie). This must have been taken within six (6) months before the application for the Thai work permit.
Marriage Certificate (if married to Thai National). This includes the original and signed photocopies. Also include wife's Thai ID card, birth certificates of children, and household registration.
*Thai government officials may require these documents to be certified by your country's embassy (this requires bringing your degree, resume, license or certificate to your embassy to declare it is a true and original document. You are required to pay an authentication fee to your embassy. In addition, they can require you to translate these documents into the Thai language from your foreign language.
Employer provided work permit documents:
Commercial Registration Department Certificate showing that the organization for which the applicant is going to work has been duly registered as a juristic person, giving the name of the Managing Director and/or Director, and its objections and registered capital. *
Shareholders List certified by the Commercial Registration Department. *
Factory License (if required) issued by Factory Department, Ministry of Industry. *
VAT Certificate - Phor Phor 20 *
VAT filing - Phor Phor 30
Withholding Tax - Phor Ngor Dor 1
Social Security Payment filing
Du ser skillanden?
Ursprungligen postat av Horknullarn
Ska inte svara för Alexzzz, men jag tror att han menar exakt såhär.
I Thailand måste du ha en "arbetsinbjudan" innan du har chans på "Arbetsvisum"
I Kambodja kan du skaffa allt detta på plats.
Bara vad jag tror att Alexzzz menar.
Tror du mera på detta nu?
Ja, ungefär så jag menar
Ursprungligen postat av xlr
Om så är fallet, så var det ju inte direkt välformulerat för någon som uppenbarligen inte har en aning om hur immigrationsbyråkrati funkar utanför Europa. Se TS.
Ja det verkar med sannolikt
Jag får omformulera mig, Thailand är inte rätt land att luffa runt och jobba i, det är mycket lättare i Kammbodja.
Reglerna är dessutom mycket mindre efterföljda, och straffen är betydligt lindrigare i Kambodja än i Thailand, även om det börjar ändras där nu också.