There is a limited number of parking spaces next to the hotel. The parking ticket is sold at the front desk. Unfortunately parking spaces cannot be reserved. If none of these spaces are available, we recommend the Arenagaraget car park on Evenemangsgatan. If you're travelling with a lot of luggage, you can briefly park your car outside the main hotel entrance while you check in. Arenagaraget has 700 spaces and is located on Evenemangsgatan, approx. 350 metres from Quality Hotel Friends and right next to the Friends Arena. Once you've parked, take the lift to the 4th floor where there's an exit to the Friends Arena. From there, you'll see the hotel straight in front of you.
Prices hotel parking
SEK 50 an hour or SEK 125 for 24 hours
Prices - Arenagaraget
SEK 20 an hour or SEK 200 for 24 hours, pay at the car park ticket machine.
Garage opening hours
Every day: 5.30am – 11pm