Ursprungligen postat av Majique
Som frågan lyder, nån som vet hur mycket pengar man får ha in till landet.
Tänkte om dom skulle vara jobbiga mot en om man skulle komma in med en större summa.
Så här lyder reglerna, alltså ska man som sagts deklarera om man har över $10.000 men det finns ingen direkt gräns för hur mycket man får ha.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) does not collect duty on currency. However, travelers leaving or entering the U.S. are required to report negotiable monetary instruments (i.e. currency or endorsed checks) valued at $10,000 or more on a "Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments" form FinCEN 105.
You can obtain the form in advance and download it from here FinCEN 105, or a CBP officer can give it to you upon your departure or return to the U.S.
Failure to declare currency in amounts of over $10,000 can result in its seizure.
Information on the FinCEN 105 is provided to the IRS, and they determine whether or not the importation of monies constitutes income subject to taxation.
The requirement to import currency on a FinCEN 105 does not apply to imports of gold bullion.