2009-07-22, 20:45
Ursprungligen postat av kvarnby
Så fungerar det inte. Så här står det på ambasadens hemsida, direkt svar på din fråga :-)

How long Must I be Outside the U.S. to get another 90 Days on the Visa Waiver Program?

There is no specific time limit on how long you have to be outside the U.S. to be able to go back. The point is that the VWP exists for temporary visits to the U.S., and not for enabling persons to more or less live in the country. It is thus not sufficient to just slip over to Bahamas to “charge the passport” for a new set of 90 days. Ultimately your admittance is decided on at the border. A good way to foresee whether you can go on the VWP is to ask yourself “am I here in temporary business or pleasure, or am I just trying to stay in the U.S. for a long consecutive period of time?” Please note that staying with an American boyfriend or girlfriend for a long period of time is not considered tourism.
The maximum total amount of days you may spend in the U.S. under a year is 180 days.

Den stora frågan är väl inte hur länge man måste vara borta innan man släpps in igen, utan om det är ok att fortfarande vara kvar i Nordamerika dag 90.

Visitors applying for entry under this program are allowed to remain 90 days (no extensions granted) and may not change their status. Consistent with regulations governing B1/B2 temporary visitor visas, travelers coming under the VWP may not work or study in the United States. After 89 days, the visitor must leave the North American continent.