2011-04-06, 16:12
Ursprungligen postat av Bairuilong
För info kan jag bifoga ett brev som CSN skrev till "min" skola vid ett tillfälle.
Som du ser så skrev de "we have a school called...." så de har definitivt någon form av lista.

Jag tror bara att de inte var på servicehumör när du kontaktade dem.

we have a school called Easyou Chinese Centre, 17-4-201 Beauty Garden, 20 Wukesong
Road, Haidan District, which is eligible for study support.

Is that your school? If not, your school must be approved.

In order to be eligible for funding from CSN a school must fulfil the requirement
of ‘good standing’ set out by the Swedish National Agency of Higher Education (HSV),
in other words a school must

1 be state, state-recognised or under state supervision;
2 recognised by a regional authority which has state approval to give accreditation;
3 accredited by an organisation that has state approval to accredit institutions
accredited by an organisation that is well known in the country and is of good

4 the school has organised cooperation with an accredited university.

For further information about ‘good standing’ you should contact the Swedish National
Agency of Higher Education (HSV) direct at Box 7851 S-103 99 Stockholm.

Tel: 08-563 08500 Fax 08-563 08550 Email: [email]hsv@hsv.se[/email]

In addition to the above CSN has its own further requirements of the courses and
the individual students.

I hope the above explains the situation but if you have any further enquiries please
donÂ’t hesitate to contact CSN again.

Tack för det! Jag får nog prova att ringa till CSN och kräva svar på mina frågor.