2015-01-30, 17:54
Ursprungligen postat av MasterBait
Nej Kina accepterar inte dubbla medborgarskap.

Fast på wikipedia står det detta:

However, under the Nationality Law it is still possible for a person to have dual nationality of China and another country at birth in some circumstances. For example:

If they were born in China, to one Chinese-national parent, they are a Chinese national at birth (Article 4). If their other parent is a non-Chinese-national, they may acquire another nationality at birth by jus sanguinis from that parent.

If they were born outside China, to one or two Chinese-national parents who have not settled abroad, they are a Chinese national at birth (Article 5). They may acquire another nationality at birth by jus soli if they were born in a jus soli country, and/or they may acquire another nationality from their other parent (if only one parent was a Chinese national) by jus sanguinis.