Ursprungligen postat av JedanProblem
Åja, inte bara skrivit, även skrikigt. Har du aldrig varit på en landskampsmatch i Australien?
" Aussie Aussie Aussie - oi oi oi "
Vad skriker du då Stockholmstjejen?
" Oz , Oz , Oz" ?
"Oink , oink , oink" ?
Nu tar jag for givet att du vet om att Aussie och Ozzie betyder samma sak
Aussie,aussie,aussie Oi, oi, oi eller Ozzie, ozzie, ozzie Oy, oy, oy
enligt Wikipedia: "enthusiasm for the tribe" and a "celebration of ‘us’"
Aussie/Ozzie = betyder fortfarande Australiensisk/a/t
Australien/Oz/Down Under ar det vanligaste folk sager att dom kommer ifran.
Som sagt har nagra enstaka ganger sett nagon skriva att dom kommer ifran Aussie/Ozzie men da har det handlat om folk som har flytta hit.
Sa om du vill vara lite annorlunda sa kan du skrika Oz oz oz Oy oy oi om du nu vill Oi:a Australien
Tva svar som jag har hittat pa natet ang. Aussie, aussie, aussie oi oi oi
"It's Aussie, Aussie, Aussie oi, oi, oi! ~Aussie is what we call ourselves here in Australia.
The chant with oi,oi,oi on the end, began being used at sporting events (footy & cricket) & has become a national catchphrase ~ as an enthusiastic, joyful cry ~ just for the hell of being an Aussie!"
"Aussie Aussie Aussie, OI OI OI! Is actually just what us Aussies say when we're cheering on our sporting team, or really drunk at the pub. It's like the Canadians yelling Canuck Canuck Canuck, OI OI OI! Or the Irish singing pub songs, or the Americans singing their national anthem in a crowd at a sporting event.
Australians are very patriotic, but they express their patriotism in a comedic, not-very-serious way. That isnt' to say it isn't genuine, and that they truly love their country. They just as a whole think that whole 'teary eyed patriotism' that the Americans have is a bit wussy. We like our patriotism served with a side salad of 'I'm at the pub and I'm not too serious tonight'."