Ursprungligen postat av Papa.Ubu
Under rådande omständigheter skulle jag nog förbereda mig på att vänta lite längre än vanligt i kontakten med flygbolag, men för en enkel fråga via mail, så hade jag nog övergått till att ringa om jag inte fått svar inom i alla fall fyra dagar. Själv så har jag kört nästan uteslutande via telefon, mail gick för långsamt.
Jag fick svar till slut, ett standard svar förstås. Tyvärr har kan man inte nå deras reklamationsavdelning per telefon, inte heller per mail, utan man måste fylla i ett reklamationsformulär via webben som är gjort för att man ska avstå. Känns lite hopplöst att vidare med det här.
We inform you that we have received your letter regarding of your Spanair flight booking.
In this order, we would like to inform you, that due to the exceptional situation caused by the volcano eruption in Iceland, airline traffic was severally affected motivated by the strict restrictions applied and the closure of the European airports, as a consequence, from the 15th of April, the Spanair flight operations were affected with several delays and cancelations.
In this difficult and complex situation, in Spanair worked to offer the best service in these circumstances, offering to our passengers, a refund of the of the ticket or of the affected flight, or a change free of charge to fly up to the 31st of may 2010, independently of the ticket class, subject to availability in the new flights
If you have not yet applied for the refund, you must contact with the sales agent that sold you the ticket.
We also inform you that due to the extraordinary circumstances totally external to our desire of giving a good service and responsibility, we cannot offer any extra compensation
We hope you will give us the opportunity to welcome you on board in a near future, and we trust that your next flight with Spanair will fully live up to your expectations.
Customer Relations Department
Please, do not respond to this mail