Här har du en lista på lite grejer. Felstavad på många ställen men ganska mycket saker
Join the 10000-meter club alone or with another person
Dont eat or drink anything except alocohol and water for 1 day
Kill something and eat it (insects do not count)
Catch a fish
eat dog
eat cat
get invited to a persons home and spend the night there
cry by either hurt feelings or pain. (no pepperspray etc)
Masturbate in a djungle aka "dra en Djungelrunk"
have intercourse in public
run from the police
get cought
Wright a song and perform it for atleast 10 people
Wrestle with a complet stranger aka behave like a "Brottarmongo"
Eat somthing that is alive
Swim across a river
Get mentioned in a newspaper
find a well or a manhole and fish for 30 minutes
Play sheep at a mall for 10 minutes.
glue youself to another person for 1 day
In a store walk up to the person ahed of the que and pay for the goods
be awake for 48 h
Take a thaimassage ask for a happy ending when the massour aproaches the good bits run out screaming (but do pay)
Drink half a liter of chokladpudding trough a straw in 30 minutes
Use bread as shoes for 1 day
drink 1 liter of milk under 1 minute
eat one foodspoon (lol) of cinemon
Build a sandcastle with four towers
Dive in a pool/water with clothes filled with peptobismall (samarin) atleast half a kilo
Ride an elephant
Have any sort of conversation with a royalty
Make a synchronized dance with atleast 2 more ppl at a crowded square
Propose and get married "The Wedding Bell"
Climb the highest tree you can find and shout out: Jag har legat med alice bah x5
Get youself in a knucklefight and loose
Enter a talentcompetition and be quiet for as long as possible
Steal somthing from every country you visit
smuggel somthing over the boarder
take 10 shots in les then 5 minutes.
do a line of coke from a friends ass
Have analsex with someone (not including a prostitute) " Brown Belt"
Drink only tomatojuice for a day
Paint the famous hitlermustasch on a sleeping stranger
Sing jinglebells nonstop for an hour
Have sex with a prostitute. Haggle afterwards
Take a dump in a bag. Try selling it to the highest bidder
read a book containing more then 300 pages
kiss a person with the same sex as you
When you passed 10 challenges from this list you get this "A good start"
Dont talk for an entire day
Snuggle with a 50+ person
Be someones slave for a day
Hug 50 strangers
be completley naked for 1 day
When in a restaurant. Change you order 3 times. After you got the food. REFUSE to pay
Buy a condom using bodylanguage
Drink over a liter of strong alcohol 40% minimum during one night
crawl 100 meters in public
Drink you own vomit: min 1 deciliter
Shit yourself in public.
Worst buy on the trip. Groupvote afterwards
tag a policecar with you personal tag
Scream from the top of you lungs ALLA AHKBAR JIHADD! BOOM! on an airport
Same as above but in a resturant
Get an STD
Puch a cow with all you force
Interview atleast 5 ppl. Use a sock on you hand. Be serious.
Masturbate in a crowded public restroom with the door unlocked
participate in a ritual of any kind
lick on a snake (not a dead one)
Do a olllning on a landmark in every countr we visit
Eat one dish and one dish only for a week
Drink until the bartender tells you its enough
Call home and convince your parents you are kidnapped
ask the bartender to make the worst drink possible drink it for the rest of the evening
Puke before 12 o clock and this from heavy drinking and not hanover or sickness
Steal a car
pretend your retarded when you check in at a hotel
Use your pants as shirt and the other way around. Go shop somthing
Stand on one leg for 1 hour (legswitch alowed but only every 5th minute)
Manage 10 challenges on 1 day and earn this " Swifty mc Quick"
Score with a blind person
Score with a person missing a limb
Score with a old person (50 plus )
Score with a person wilst riding on an animal
Win over 1000 kronors on roulette/blackjack (one bet)
loose over 1000 kronors on roulette/blackjack (one bet)
Participate in strip-poker
Get robbed
Sing karaoke with a local
Streak a street
At a bufé eat until you vomit
Cheat on someone
Shoot with a firearm
Stalk a stranger for 5 minutes
Eat all your meals using only you moth for one day
Tan in a Svastika
sleep outside for a week
Shave of you hair. Us a razor.