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Ar fucked, satt i county igar. Goa boter vantas

#1 2011-08-28, 03:35
Yeh, I think i'll write this in English since it's more convenient. Yesterday I got caught for drinking alcohol in public...It was at a party at Del Playa in Santa Barbara and the house was located just next to the sea. I'm 20 years old btw..

So i saw the cops approaching when they were like 6 feet from me, and out of a pure reflex i throw my beer into the ocean. And after that I got pretty much raped in my ass...

I'm being charged for:
Minor possession of alcohol
Destroying of evidence
littering in to the ocean/beach

For those who are interested, i spent 11 hours in a small room (approximately 25 m^2) with 25 other people. Half of us had to sit/lay on the floor since the place was so overcrowded. And we didn't get anything to eat or drink during the entire process. Yes, there were indeed some dangerous locos in there, but they didn't really care about me. And after a few hours most of us could talk to each other in a calm common way.

To the charge:
I risk a fine between 250- 800 dollar, most likely 600-700 since i got 3 charges. ( Minor possession of alcohol is 250 alone) And that I won't be able to get an american driver license for a year.

So, I got 2 options:

Either i go there by myself and pledge that I'm a poor student that are really regretful and so on. And hope that they will send me to a AA meeting and give me community service instead of the fine. ( The AA meeting turns the "minor possession " to "disturbance" instead). But this does really depends on the judge. I mean, they are probably pretty angry on students who comes here and trash the place..So that feels kind of a long shoot.

Or i hire a lawyer for about 1 500 dollar and the above option will almost certainly be possible. But then I'm 1500 dollar poorer then before so.. I mean both options got it cons and pros.

And I know that this will have to be my own decision. But I would appreciate some tips and maybe some hints. Or just a mocking thread about my stupidity, your choice. Would appreciate some serious answers though.

#2 2011-08-28, 03:46
Ursprungligen postat av Thugmansion
I got caught for drinking alcohol in public...It was at a party at Del Playa in Santa Barbara and the house was located just next to the sea. I'm 20 years old

Är det olagligt att dricka alkohol på offentlig plats i Santa Barbara? Jag kan dock förstå att de vill klämma dit dig för att du kastade ölflaskan i havet, jävla puckat, men att straffa dig med att peta in dig i den där cellen du pratade om med 25 andra verkar ju överdrivet... låter som något du inte berättat. Blev du våldsam? Började du bitas? Har du rabies? Heilade du frenetiskt?
#3 2011-08-28, 03:50
bor du permanent i USA?
#4 2011-08-28, 04:01
"If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense"
#5 2011-08-28, 04:14
1. Du är minderårig och dricker alkohol = du döms.
2. Har polisen sett att du slängt flaskan i vattnet så har dom vittnen = du dömds [blir svårt för advokaten att "göra det till din fördel"]
3. Ingen aning huruvida den punkten skall hanteras
#6 2011-08-28, 04:51
Ursprungligen postat av Baiul
Är det olagligt att dricka alkohol på offentlig plats i Santa Barbara? Jag kan dock förstå att de vill klämma dit dig för att du kastade ölflaskan i havet, jävla puckat, men att straffa dig med att peta in dig i den där cellen du pratade om med 25 andra verkar ju överdrivet... låter som något du inte berättat. Blev du våldsam? Började du bitas? Har du rabies? Heilade du frenetiskt?

Har för mig att det är 21 som gäller i Usa eller ja olika delstater kanske, men rätta mig gärna om jag har fel.
(Sett för mycket polisprogram typ Cops)
#7 2011-08-28, 04:53
Ursprungligen postat av Baiul
Är det olagligt att dricka alkohol på offentlig plats i Santa Barbara? Jag kan dock förstå att de vill klämma dit dig för att du kastade ölflaskan i havet, jävla puckat, men att straffa dig med att peta in dig i den där cellen du pratade om med 25 andra verkar ju överdrivet... låter som något du inte berättat. Blev du våldsam? Började du bitas? Har du rabies? Heilade du frenetiskt?

Yeh, it's illegal to drink alcohol in public. You can drink it at private parties though. But the cop can come there as well even tho they don't got the right to do it without a warrant.. So you really need to be careful everywhere.
Yes, that was indeed stupid but you know. I got so surprised and it was a reflex you know. Felt really stupid afterwards...Otherwise I would have gotten away with minor possession alone... No, that's actually the way the do things in Santa Barbara. It's just you know standard...Very ridiculous indeed but that's the way it is. I can't understand why they don't like write tickets at once instead, like they do in Sweden... ( If you don't do something that is completely against the law of course)
#8 2011-08-28, 04:53
Ursprungligen postat av Frewel
bor du permanent i USA?

Well, not really. But I will be here for like 1-4 years. Just got here for 2 weeks ago
#9 2011-08-28, 04:59
Ursprungligen postat av Thugmansion
Well, not really. But I will be here for like 1-4 years. Just got here for 2 weeks ago

Två veckor och du har glömt det svenska språket?
#10 2011-08-28, 05:07
Han måste trolla. Sitta häktat elva timmar för att man kastat en ölburk i havet. Jo tjena. Hur kan du be "charged for possession" när du kastede din öl? Gick polisen ut i havet och hämtade den och stoppade den i plastpåsen märkt "Evidence A"?
#11 2011-08-28, 05:09
Ursprungligen postat av MegaHead
"If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense"

Yeh, but I think we can assume that the lawyers that they provide you with, aint that good compared to others really. But so far I've gotten the feeling that I am to just stand in front of a judge without any lawyer if I don't get one by my self. Anyone know how this works for sure?
#12 2011-08-28, 05:11
Ursprungligen postat av laserbeamz
1. Du är minderårig och dricker alkohol = du döms.
2. Har polisen sett att du slängt flaskan i vattnet så har dom vittnen = du dömds [blir svårt för advokaten att "göra det till din fördel"]
3. Ingen aning huruvida den punkten skall hanteras

True, but he talked about something like this:
Did the cop see you throw it? -Yes
Did they swim out to get it? -No
So it could have been anything then

Pretty much like that