Ursprungligen postat av swehardrocker
Håller med dig helt. Ska tilläggas att jag jobbade sent in på natten för att få den bra och därmed blev det en urdålig rättstavning
Ursäkta om jag stör ännu en gång men så här ser min nya lesson plan ut:
The students divided into small groups will walk around the classroom , looking at pictures of different sports and talk and ask questions about the pictures. "Do you know how to play this sport? Do you like it?
Have you ever played it? Etc. This is not only to make the students being apart of the class but also to activate everyones English language by conversation.-engage
Här har du t.ex. ett exempel på vad du gör fel, du introducerar fel tense redan i början. Utöver det säger vi oftast "take part in class (activities)", conversing, everyone's (två väldigt lätta misstag, finns fler men det drygaste är nog att din engelska känns väldigt forced, not natural)
Short feedback where I contionue with the sport theme and pictures by asking questions. What did you find out about your friends? How long have you played soccer? Etc.-engage
Även här är det fel tense.
Elicit usage (By eliciting the words I play football and I am playing football), structure and sentences of simple present and present contionue tense on the board.-study 
Det minsta du kan göra att att engagera dig, vad fan är contionue?
Contionue by showing more examples on the board to demonstrate and explain the diffrences between the two tense. For exampel...-study
Samma som ovan.
Students will now listen to a conversation on CD about two people taking the bus to a football field, where they use a lot of present simple and present contionus by talking about sports.-study
Visst, listening är även viktigt, men engagera dig.
Worksheet exercise that consist of two parts, reading comprehnsion and gaps filling. In reading comprehnsion the students has to read a text based around the conversation from above while in gaps filling the students will get questions that can only be answered in simple present or present contionus. For exampel Which sport does John play? The answer to this question is He plays football which is a simple present. Another example is What are John doing close to the goal? The answer to this question is He is shooting the ball.-study
stavning, grammatik, stavning, grammatik... kan du hitta dina egna misstag?
Feedback from the worksheet above. In this feedback we will take time by going through the questions and see if everyone in the class has understood the context of the task.-study
Hur går du igenom frågorna?      
Quick review of sport vocabulary from previous lessons.-study
Reviews som handlar om gamla klasser har man i början av lektionen, det gör det lättare för eleverna att använda orden under klassens gång.
Group work (4 groups with 3 in each group) that its a preparation for the activity “That’s strange, they usually...”. Here each group shall write about one sport event where one from each group describs it as a sport commentary abd the two other saying how usual or unusal those things are. For this activity the student will only use usages of present simple and present contionue that have been taught in the activities above.-activate
Det är en bra idé, men hur använder dom present continuous tense? "That's strange, they usually playing football"? Märks att du blir tröttare och tröttare. Sjukt mycket fel.
Each group will now play “ThatÂ’s strange, they usually…” In front of the class and show their sport event and commentaries by using the contrast of present simple and present contionus tense.-activate      
Samma som ovan.
Försöker iallafall nu hålla en starkare röd tråd och mer nedtonat samtidigt som man ska beskriva så att en vikarie ska förstå. Märkte nu också flera grammatiska fel jag har
Har inte hunnit göra rättstavning än.     [/QUOTE]
1. Det spelar ingen roll om det du skriver är till någon annan eller till dig själv, om du fortsätter skriva så här läskig engelska så kommer du aldrig att lära dig något själv. Om du ska lära ut engelska till andra är det minsta du kan göra att engagera dig nog när du skriver din lesson plan, som för övrigt är det viktigaste som finns för "nya" lärare.
2. Din klass är inte organiserad. Det du kallar för en röd tråd hittar jag inte, även om klassen på vissa ställen är bättre än din förra.
3. Spelling, grammar, punctuation. Som du säkert vet är ett viktigt moment i TEFL kursen att lyssna, läsa och analysera din elev när han/hon pratar/skriver, kan du hitta dina egna misstag utan att använda någon spellcheck?
Det jag skriver är inte för att vara taskig, när jag tog kursen var grammatiken svår för mig också, så du måste satsa fullt ut på att förstå skillnaden mellan olika tenses, t.ex. present simple och present perfect.
Om jag hade varit i din sits hade min klass "ungefär" sett ut såhär:
1. Introduction/Warm up
Introduce yourself and have your students introduce themselves as well, start by asking daily questions such as "How are you?", "What do you like
to do?", "What are you
doing now?". After chatting for a while, play a simple game or hold an activity. (game/activity will depend on the age of the students)
2. Introduce today's topic (or review, depends on content, if you choose to review just change the order of the topics)
Clearly but briefly explain the difference between 'present simple' and 'present continuous' tense, write a few easy examples (questions and answers) on the whiteboard/blackboard related to the questions you asked during your introduction/warm up. Hopefully this will create a kind of 'aha' sensation in the classroom. After you have ensured that the students understand your content, move on to step three.
3. Activate your students
Individually or in groups, ask your students to make new sentences related to their hobbies/real life using present simple and present continuous tense. If they do it individually, tell them to write X sentences. If you assign them into groups, tell them to ask their partners about their hobbies (once again using the sample questions from before, you should however clarify that it is okay to ask different questions as well, this stimulates the higher level students but still allows the lower level ones to go through the task with ease). Don't set a fixed time for this step, instead move on to the next step when your hear that their discussions are fading. Note: Be clear about the fact that they have to use both tenses.
4. Present the results
Start by presenting your own hobbies in front of the class, after that you can tell the students go change places with you one by one. Tell them to introduce their friend's/partner's hobby. Listen carefully to the students, write down names/mistakes but don't interrupt them while they are talking. Bonus points if they include a short introduction about the person as well. (name, age, etc)
5. Rough overview and error correction.
By using the students' own mistakes, explain to them why their answers were wrong (no need for name calling, the exception would be if the majority of them got it wrong but that's unlikely). Again, make sure that you use the whiteboard/blackboard because most Chinese learners are used to the blackboard being used in class (visual learners).
6. Play a short game with the help of flashcards.
You should have two sets of flashcards, one for each tense. After you divide the students into groups (if there are too many), write down their names (team names) on the whiteboard/blackboard, show them a flashcard. The person/team who answers the quickest (with a full sentence) earns a point. You can mix it up by asking the student a question as well.
7. Assign homework
Give the students some worksheets to practice with at home. Include some
optional difficult tasks for higher level students.
7. Byebye~
Some golden rules most teachers use while teaching in China (unfortunately) is repetition and reviewing. Most of the Chinese students haven't had the opportunity to think for themselves while growing up, in order to make it easier for them you have to adapt to the Chinese educational system which mainly focuses on repetition and memorizing vocabulary/passages etc. A bad habit many Chinese students have is that they learn something very quickly but forget it even quicker, so make sure that you review.
Trött som fan efter att ha varit ute i Hebei och lekt med fattiga småbarn, men hoppas du förstår vad jag menar och att du kan lära dig något. Det jag skrev innan var som sagt inte menat att låta så jävla negativt, men eftersom att jag träffar många lärare som bara stannar ett kort tag och lämnar eleverna utan en lärare så orkar jag inte med oseriösa utlänningar här som känner att det är 'hippt' att komma till Kina, gå en TEFL kurs, lära ut engelska under dagen och springa till Wudaokou/Sanlitun varje kväll för att sedan åka hem innan kursen är avslutad.