Ursprungligen postat av Donner123
Vad gäller egentligen för det där permanenta uppehållstillståndet? Låter som världens kryphål för att fixa ett sånt här. Starta upp nåt halvdassigt företag o anställa 10 filipinos, köra på tills man fått uppehållstillståndet och sen lägga ner skiten.
Sorry... fullt så enkelt är det INTE. Här finns lite mer info:
Observera att du
alltid måste ha minst 10 anställda i ditt företag! Section 2
d. The foreignerÂ’s commercial investment/enterprise must provide actual employment to at least ten (10) Filipinos in accordance with Philippine labor laws and other applicable special laws.
Section 4
SECTION 4. Revocation of the SVEG. – (a) The Commissioner of Immigration shall revoke the SVEG
granted: (i) If the SVEG holder fails to maintain compliance of any of the conditions see forth in Section 2 hereof; (ii) If it was obtained through fraud or willfull misrepresentation of material facts; (iii) Upon conviction of the foreigner by final judgment for a crime or offense in the Philippines; or (iv) A final determination by competent authority that the foreigner poses a risk to national security.
Den här infon har jag hittat på ett filippinskt forum (
The 10 employers thing is a new thing. If I understand this right, you could open up a German, Greek, Danish etc restaurant and have it approved as a tourism industry buy the board of tourism or something and you are on your way. Or other kind of tourism industry. Tourism is regarded as export.
Yes, a callcenter with customers abroad is export too. You can open up an internet cafe, have a call center in the back room. Just make sure that 60% or more of your income is based from abroad, and you are an export industry. Or open up a "sweatshop" of taylors and make sure you sell at least 60% of your products abroad (and the rest you can sell here), and you are an export industry etc, etc.
But its a lot of paperwork to go through though. Dont think it will be easy. But it is possible.