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Här kommer lite DOs and DONTs:
Do exercise tolerance, particulary when it comes to order food, pay a bill or waiting for change.
Don't be upset ... Expect it to be done (whatever it is) in a longer time than where you come from.
Don't lose your temper at all.
Don't feel let down if you have done a favour for a Thai and he does not seem to bodily express his thanks.
Don't hug a Thai to show him your appreciation. In Thailand, a firm 'Thank you very much' is enough. Thought your intension are good and clean, he will not like it. The good thing about this custom is that nobody can hug or kiss your wife for whatever reason.
Don't touch anyone's head for any reason. The head is the most important part of the entire body.
Don't point with the forefinger at anyone.
Do offer and receive anything with your right hand always.
Do keep both feet on the ground when sitting.
Don't place your feet so that they point towards a person, religious image or picture of the royal family.
Don't step over any part of another person.
Do use the wai correctly. A Westerner should never wai first and anyone who is paying for any service is the boss and the bosses don't wai first.
Don't keep your valuables in a hotel safe deposit box. This is a thought one. Some safe deposit boxes are the most unsafe places for safekeeping, the reason is that not all staff really care for their guests. Entrust your valuables only to respectable hotels, which you have to decide by yourself.
Don't leave your postcards to the hotel reception, they will probably never reach the destination. To be safe, go to the post office or post them into the public mailbox yourself.
Do ask for a receipt if you pay for a room/apartment in advance more than a day.
Do make sure your laundry is your laundry when its returned.
Do make sure you know a person well before accepting a tempting offer.
Don't walk into someone's house with footwear on.
Don't step on the door threshold.
Do sit in the place indicated by your friend.
Do wai an eldery person.
Accept things with your right hand.