Du kan också läsa för andra tidningar skriver om situationen i Kambodja att, folket där är så nöjda med kineserna som du tror att thailändarna är över kinesernas närvaro.
“Everything has changed in Sihanoukville in just two years,” says Dy, who is learning Chinese to try to integrate better with the city’s new community. “Before it was really quiet here, but not any more with all the Chinese construction. I am worried that it’s very destructive to the environment, all this building … and what will happen when all the construction is finished and thousands more people come? There will be no Cambodia left in Sihanoukville.”
Like many local business owners in the city, she is regularly approached by Chinese investors wanting to buy her inn and offering her very good money. It is tempting, now she says that her familyÂ’s profits have collapsed: the 24-hour construction next door has driven away their European customers, while Chinese tourists prefer to stay in Chinese-run hotels and resorts.
While not directly funded by Belt and Road money, the casinos and condo complexes are a byproduct of a city that has given itself over entirely to Chinese investment. Of the $1.3bn (£1bn) invested in Sihanoukville over the past year, $1.1bn has come from China. Chinese casino owners have also taken advantage of the nonexistent gambling regulation and lax money-laundering laws to set up an empire that is accessible only to foreigners
For the locals, this ongoing transformation is divisive. Some are benefiting from an influx of money the city has never seen before, but many are being driven out by the skyrocketing cost of living.
Kong Samol, 32, a tuk-tuk driver, is one of those losing out. “Because of all the Chinese businessmen here, my expenses have gone up but my earnings have gone down,” he says. “My rent has increased from $50 to $150 and it’s unaffordable for me. The owner wants to kick me out of my room so he can rent it to the Chinese who will pay so much more than I can afford. I know so many people who came here for work but have moved back to their villages because rent is impossible now.”
Och Härmed avslutar jag offtopic ämnet och tar gärna diskussionen en annan tråd Om du skulle vilja det Alex?
Men jag står kvar vid min tidigare hållning i afseende på kineserna.
Kommer kineserna in i Thailand ännu mer också så kommer det att bli katastrofalt för den lilla lokala thailändaren.
Det kommer bara att bli den rika Eliten som tjänar på det i BKK och såklart lille "prutten".
Den där föraren du pratar om eller busschauffören. Han kanske tjäna lite pengar i början men på sikt så kommer han att bli väldigt ruinerad på kinesernas närvaro och lika så kommer Kocken Du nämnde i ditt exempel.
Ibland Får man se lite längre än näsan räcker. Kinesen kommer idag med pengar och verkar trevlig. Men som jag skrev innan kinesen gör ingenting för att vara god.