Ursprungligen postat av NewInGothenburg
Går det att bo billigt i New York eller omnejd under några veckors semester?
Det verkar ju inte finnas hostel eller liknande i stora landet hamburgare så...
I övriga världen är det ju inga problem att finna en bädd för 100-300 kr natten.
airbnb.com Jag skulle söka efter områden i södra Brooklyn: Sheepshead Bay, Brighton Beach etc... Ungefär 40 minuter med tunnelbana till midtown.
Men om du vill ha något trevligt och billigt måste du förstå amerikaner och New York-bor. Människor identifierar sig med sina europeiska härkomster, italiensk-amerikansk, irländsk, rysk-amerikansk, etc...
[I could get this out quicker in English, förlåt]
So there's this special affinity they have towards people from the same place their ancestors migrated from. Additionally, New Yorkers and yanks in general do not mind helping people out, even if it just means helping you find more contacts, or telling you which neighborhoods to avoid. It comes from the "we're all in this together" mentality.
There are some Norwegian American groups left in NYC (closest thing you'll get to Swede American unless you head to Minnesota). Personally, I would email the lady in charge of this Norwegian group, and say "hey fellow Scandinavian, thinking about visiting NYC, no friends/family there, any suggestions for finding a cheap safe place etc..."
Worst case, no reply, best case you get pointed in the right direction, and have a local resource in NYC, which I would highly recommended for anyone wanting to experience the city beyond all the cliche touristy bullshit.