Ursprungligen postat av NewSchooler
Hejsan, om jag skaffar ett turistvisum först och åker ner till AUS i ca 10 veckor med planer på att arbeta lite på nån fruktplockarfarm samtidigt som jag luffar runt lite, kommer det att ställa till problem i ock med att jag inte har WHV ? Som jag fattat det måste jag alltså fixa ett bankkonto där nere för att kunna jobba eller finns det några jobb som drar skatten direkt och man kan få pengarna i handen ?
taget ifran immi.gov.au
Tourist Visa (Subclass 676)
You are not able to work in Australia. If you are coming to Australia to work, you should consider applying for a visa which allows you to work in Australia.
See: Workers
Volunteer work tourism schemes
In general terms, you may be able to work as a volunteer whilst on a Tourist visa if:
* your main purpose in visiting Australia is tourism, and any voluntary work remains incidental to this
* the work involved would not otherwise be undertaken, in return for wages, by an Australian resident
* the work is genuinely voluntary and that no remuneration is received in return for the activities.
Note: It is acceptable, under the conditions of the Tourist visa, to receive meals and accommodation or reimbursement for out-of-pocket living expenses in return for voluntary work."