Ursprungligen postat av alver
Du har inte kabeltv öht? Vi har Austar hemma och de kör med samma OS paket som Foxtel, 4 HD kanaler för 65 dollar, satte frugan på att beställa det. Tyvärr kommer jag att sitta på planet ner under två av matcherna
Ingen kabeltv for mig utan jag kor free-to-air kanalerna bara aven fast mina inlagg kanske ger ett intryck utav att jag bara sitter framfor TV:n med tv-tidningen framfor mig hehehe.
Jag tycker det racker gott o val for mig, ser ganska mkt pa SBS (svenska filmer och framforallt champions league fotbollen) sedan sa har jag mina favorit program pa F-2-A , border security, border patrol, highway patrol, customs bla. (den enda kabelkanalen som jag verkligen skulle vilja ha ar Crime channel)
annars ar det sallan jag tittar pa TV, precis som leenie tidigare skrev sa ar det nast intill vardelost att se pa tv-nyheterna har, bara lokal/nationella nyheter i stort, ungefar som att titta pa ABC-nyheterna .
Hur fan overlevde folk har nere innan internet?
Sydneyborna maste ha trott att varldens ande lag vid Perth typ hehehe!
Ursprungligen postat av Kampai
Hur gammal måste man vara för att få hyra bil?
How old do I need to be to hire a car?
In most cases you need to be a minimum of 25 years old BUT you can still rent a car if you are over 21 years old. In this case a mandatory surcharge usually applies and the in ability to lower excess charges may also apply. This varies from company to company. Some vehicle types may also be restricted.
No one under the age of 21 can rent a car from any of our suppliers at any time. This is for insurance purposes. P platers or drivers on restricted/ provisional licenses are also unable to rent under any circumstances.
Q. How old do you have to be to rent a car?
A. Most car rental companies require drivers to be over the age of 25. Some Budget locations have lower minimum age requirements, such as 21-25, which may occur a surcharge
How old do I need to be to drive the car?
Drivers must be between 21 and 75 years of age for car rentals. Drivers need to be between 25 and 75 for the Urban Wagon (UWAR category). For drivers 75 years of age or over, a medical certificate stating that the customer is fit to drive for the duration of the hire is required upon vehicle collection.
For 2WD car hires up to 31 March 2010, drivers between the ages of 21-25 will incur a surcharge of AU$22 per day, in addition to the daily rate for Northern Territory hires.
For 2WD car hires from 01 April 2010, drivers between the ages of 21-24 will incur a surcharge of AU$22 per day in addition to the daily rate.
Fee is paid upon collection of the vehicle.
How old do I need to be to drive the car?
Drivers must be between 21 and 75 years of age for car rentals. Drivers need to be between 25 and 75 to drive an Urban Wagon (UWAR) collecting from locations in the Northern Territory.
Until 31 March 2010: Drivers between the ages of 21 - 25 years will incur a surchange of AU$22 per day in addition to the daily rate when the hire is in the Northern Territory. Fee is paid upon vehicle collection.
From 01 April 2010: Drivers between the ages of 21 - 24 years will incur a surchange of AU$22 per day in addition to the daily rate. Fee is paid upon vehicle collection.