Ursprungligen postat av Fridaynight
Ngn som vet mer om detta med RSA (om det nu hette så

och hur pass enkelt är det att få någon form av baryrke? Ev. caféyrke.
Hej Friday!
Saxat fran
olgr.nsw.gov.au - The NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing:
"It is a mandatory requirement under NSW liquor laws that all licensees, serving staff and security officers undergo RSA training.
There are no exemptions for the RSA or licenseesÂ’ course, and all persons involved in the sale, supply, service and promotion of liquor will need to undergo full RSA training.
RSA training must be completed through an approved training provider."
Innan finansnedgangen var det relativt enkelt att fa jobb, hur det ser ut idag tycker jag ar svart att svara pa. Vissa sager att krisen redan ar har, andra marker ingen skiullnad alls (an). Jobb finns nog men dom vaxer kanske inte pa trad langre...
ps. RSA star for "Responsible Service of Alcohol" ds.