Ursprungligen postat av XtremeDeformitY
Har hittat Hells Bells och en bar som heter Error på kartan, behöver dock lite fler tips på hårdrocksställen
MOTORAJ - rock/metal pub near Prague centre; Novovysocanska 85, Prague 9 (opposite of petrol station)
How to get there? From Palmovka station (Metro B) 1 station (with 1, 10, 19) to Krejcarek station;
MODRA VOPICE - rock/hardcore/punk pub near Prague centre; K Zizkovu, Prague 9 (corner of street);
How to get there? bus 136 and 177 - K Zizkovu station (2 stations from Metro B - Vysocanska);
U SUCHY DASNE - rock pub and restaurant in Prague centre; Trojicka 11, Prague 2 (opposite of Botanical garden);
How to get there? Metro B - Karlovo namesti station and one station with tram (18, 24) - Botanicka zahrada station !!NEAR MIGHTY BAR!!
BLACK PES & SMOLIK - 2 rock pubs in suburbs of Prague (there is good connection with train) Staroklanovicka 204;
How to get there? 15minutes with train from city centre
HARD ROCK CAFE PRAGUE - tradicional rock pub; Male namesti 142/3, Prague 1;
How to get there? Staromestska station (Metro A);
ROCK CAFE - multicultural pub in Prague centre; Narodni 20, Prague 1;
How to get there? Narodni trida station (Metro B);
VAGON - rock pub in Prague centre (opposite of ROCK CAFE); Narodni 25, Prague 1;
How to get there? Narodni trida station (Metro B);
MIGHTY BAR - rockÅœnÅœroll/hardcore pub in Prague centre; Vysehradska 37, Prague 2 (opposite of Botanical garden);
How to get there? Metro B - Karlovo namesti station and one station with tram (18, 24) - Botanicka zahrada station