Ska flyga till London den 10 aug och har lite funderingar ang bagaget och priser!
Det står såhär när jag ska boka biljetten:
Ryanair requires the reservation and payment of luggage that are to be checked-in, anyway the airline charges a 6 euro fee per passenger/track, already included in the price of the ticket. The transportation of checked-in luggage can be booked in advance. The price varies and depends on the flight with a total amount of 1 piece per passenger not exceeding the baggage allowance purchased (babies do not have a luggage allowance).
The reservation includes 1 HAND LUGGAGE FOR PASSENGER. Allowance of carry on luggage 55x 40x 20 cm, max 10 Kg.
Måste man betala extra för att ha med sig en väska eller tar man bara med den som hand luggage?
Har aldrig åkt med flyg innan så lite hjälp hade uppskattats!