Ursprungligen postat av De La Hoya
Man har ju sett och hört mycket att det har spekulerats om att Ryanair skulle börja med atlanteflygningar, först pch främst då från london till NY. Aftonhoran påstod även att detta skulle införas 2008
Någon som hört något mer om detta och om det verkligen kommer att ske inom en snar framtid?
Det kommer.
Michael O'Leary, the chief executive of Ryanair, said yesterday he was planning to bring his no-frills approach to transatlantic flights, offering one-way tickets from less than £7.
The market is poised for significant changes in the wake of the recent "open skies" agreement between the US and EU and Mr O'Leary said he was looking to set up a new airline with a fleet of up to 50 planes within the next three to four years.
"We've been approached by a number of airports in the US who are keen to see us start a long-haul, low-fare service and we're working on plans to start flying the Atlantic," Mr O'Leary said yesterday.
His intervention comes less than 24 hours after Zoom UK said it planned a Gatwick to New York service for £129, one way including taxes, from June.