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Förövrigt vad är det för skillnad på Hard sleeper och Soft Sleeper? Jag förstår ju att det är hård och mjuksäng. Men alltså prisskilnaden är rätt stor, typ 20-30 dollar lite beroende på..
Hittade svaret: Hard sleeper consists of open bays of 6 bunks (upper, middle & lower) on one side of an aisle. In spite of its name, berths are padded, bedding is supplied, and many budget western travellers prefer it. There are fold-out seats in the aisle either side of small tables.
lite mer om Hard: Hard sleeper: If you're on a tight budget, there's no reason why you shouldn't travel in a hard sleeper, as many western backpackers do. Hard sleeper consists of open-plan carriages with a broad aisle on one side of the car, bays of 6 bunks (upper, middle & lower) on the other side. In spite of the name, hard sleeper bunks are reasonably well padded, and bedding is supplied. Newer trains even have power sockets for laptops & mobiles.
Soft sleeper consists of spacious carpeted & lockable 4-berth compartments, with toilets & washrooms at the end of the corridor. Some trains even have personal TV screens for each berth.