Ursprungligen postat av BlueMarlin123
Och Feminister som du borde få Feminist inristat i Pannan (förvisso behövs det inte, för man ser en på mils avstånd) för det första har du noll koll ,Du är tydligen en i mängden som fortfarande tror det springer runt pedofiler helt öppet i Thailand/Pattaya hand i hand i hand med småbarn ,eller var har du fått din info om att Pattaya är skräp ,ställer bara en enkel fråga?
Right now, Pattaya has one of the largest number of pedophiles anywhere in the world living outside their home countries. And they are not only having sex with children, they are producing child pornography and posting it on the Internet (FBI.org).
Child prostitution in Pattaya will flourish as long as the number of homeless children – both Thai and foreign – remains high and they continue to be exploited by sex tourists and parents who sell their children into the trade.
Rather than working via go-go bars as previously, children coaxed into the sex trade now roam the streets at night or shopping malls in the day and approach prospective clients themselves, Kanjanas said. In some cases poor parents introduce their children to clients.
There are around 25,000 street children, both Thai and migrant, known to the HHN in Thailand, with up to 2,000 of them based in Pattaya. There is also a large but unspecified number of children under parental care but suffering poverty, and thus at risk of being lured into child prostitution.
"It's known as Sin City: Thailand's hedonistic paradise Pattaya is home to tens of thousands of sex workers and attracts hordes of foreign sex tourists. "