CRIME: Cambodia has a high crime rate, including street crime. Military weapons and explosives are readily available to criminals despite authoritiesÂ’ efforts to collect and destroy such weapons. Armed robberies occur frequently, and foreign residents and visitors, including U.S. citizens, are among the victims. The Embassy has also received reports that residences and hotel rooms of U.S. citizens in Phnom Penh were burglarized while the occupants were asleep.
The most common type of theft is “snatch and grab” robbery, and anything that can be quickly grabbed is at risk: cameras, jewelry, purses, backpacks, mobile phones, etc. Exercise caution and keep belongings out of sight if you travel via “tuk-tuk,” as passengers in these open-air vehicles have been targeted by thieves. If walking along the street, make yourself less of a target by carrying bags or items in your hand or on the shoulder that is furthest from the street. If someone attempts to rob you, you should surrender your valuables immediately, since any perceived resistance may be met with physical violence, including lethal force.
The U.S. Embassy frequently receives reports of violent robberies that escalate into fatalities.
Pickpockets, some of whom are beggars, are present in the markets and at the tourist sites. Sometimes they may act overly friendly, placing their hand on your shoulder or back to distract you in order to pick your pocket.
To avoid the risk of theft or confiscation of original documents, the U.S. Embassy advises its personnel and all U.S. citizens traveling to, or residing in, Cambodia to carry photocopies of their passport, driver's license, and other important documents and to leave the originals in a hotel safe or other secure place.
Local police rarely investigate reports of crime against tourists, and travelers should not expect to recover stolen items. It has also been reported that police stations charge foreigners between $20 and
$100 to file a police report.
Foreigners travelling to Cambodia should be aware of common scams targeting tourists.
See the Department of State, and the FBI pages for information on scams.
The U.S. Embassy advises its personnel who travel to the provinces outside of Phnom Penh to exercise extreme caution outside the provincial towns at all times.
Many rural parts of the country remain without effective policing.
Avoid walking alone after dusk anywhere in
Sihanoukville, especially along the waterfront.
You should be particularly vigilant during annual festivals and at tourist sites in
Phnom Penh, Siem Reap,
and Sihanoukville, where there have been marked increases in motorcycle “snatch and grab” thefts of bags and purses.
If you are visiting Cambodia, you should practice sound personal security awareness by varying your routes and routines,
maintaining a low profile, not carrying or displaying large amounts of cash, not wearing flashy or expensive jewelry, and
not walking alone after dark.
In addition, you should travel by automobile and not use local moto-taxis or cyclos (passenger-carrying bicycles). These vehicles are more vulnerable to armed robberies and offer no protection against injury when involved in traffic accidents.
Mina 50 cents pa rak arm. SihanoukVille samt Phnom Penh anser jag vara kritiskt, i varje fall ensam pa gator och barer sena kvallar och natter.
Har aven rakat ut for riktiga vikingar som maste vara 4 - 5 st. mot en ensam "barang" nere pa Ocheteual Beach [SihanoukVille] pa smatimmarna vars hogsta noje ar utdragna, misshandlar av "barang"/'den vite mannen'
Den gangen hade blivit annu en "Drunknings-olycka" da en "full" "Barang" simmade i havet mitt i natten, savida inte 2 damer jag kant i flera ar ryckte in och stoppade mordarna.
Det var ett oprovocerat mordforsok.
och vad ar vitsen med att anmala brott till "polisen" i Kambodja da det forst och framst kostar uppat 100 US$ bara for att gora en "polis"anmalan.?
Brottet "slarvas" ju t.o.m. bort i statistiken..
Har aven en handfull bekanta och kompisar som aven de rakat ut for bade det ena och det andra.
Mvh, Babu