Ursprungligen postat av namram
Anledningen till att jag tog upp det där med t-banan är att jag inte tycker att Stockholm har någon speciell tunnelbana som många Stockholmare verkar tro, däribland du.
Här nedan har jag samlat lite kommentarer från utlänningar på den sidan du själv länkade till angående tunnelbanan :
Really unique and classic kinda system man.......blending in the modern tech. too......really gud.
these rock-stations are just the best. i think, they are one of the most beautiful and most interesting metro-stations in the whole world. i like the idea itself and the way they did it, too
Hmm, makes me want to go back! Some of these stations look absolutely amazing. Especially the blue line is great. The whole system is very good really, always enjoyed travelling on it when I live there..
Darn, I aboslutly love Stockholms subway
Yes yes, the subway stations themselves are the best! I've never seen a metro as cool as that of Stockholm's! Whoever design those things have such great vision and has done well to further enhance the transportation system of Sweden's largest city
love it... i've never seen stations where the ceiling and walls are left as it is after boring and construction... are there any other subway systems like this in the world???
and i love the artwork too...
Wow! really unique, I like it.
I love T-banan.
Stockholm surely is one of the top 3 world's coolest metro systems for its extraordinary station designs!
Min åsikt är att Stockholm är en bättre stad men Göteborgare är trevligare men godtrognare.