Ursprungligen postat av Osakasun
Du vet inte vad summan ar for +7 dagar? Samt kostnaden per dag for eventuell overstay?
Tacksam for svar.
Ursprungligen postat av efd
Okej, hur gör man för att förlänga +7 dagar utan visum då? Och overstay är la att vara kvar i landet än vad man har tillåtelse till, så får man böta en viss summa för dom extra dagarna?
Vi ska ju backpacka, så det kan ju vara en del av resan att göra det omständliga att åka över och tillbaka och ta en annan väg upp i landet igen efter dom +15 dagarna, för att se så mycket som möjligt. Kör vi på det, åker vi över gränsen nere i Malaysia och sen upp igen mot Koh Samui/Koh Pa ngan, tanken är att fira jul/nyår där.
500bath per dag och maxbelopp 20 000bath, Du går till närmsta immigration office och betalar 1900bath för ansökan.
Det är inte några som helst problem med lite overstay så länge man är vanlig turist, är det veckor ser det mindre bra ut. Om man helt skiter i det och sattsar på maxbelopp 20 000bath och du t.ex blir tagen av snuten/olycka eller vad som helst kan det dock bli problem. Bara lugn har du utresebiljett att visa upp är det mer än sugna på att sno dig på några tusen bath innan du kliver på planet.
Overstay in Thailand
Updated by Sunbelt Asia on 29 March, 2011
The fine for overstaying your visa in Thailand is set at 500 THB per day up to a maximum fine of 20,000 THB. You should be aware that overstaying is breaking Thai law and it can result in some unpleasant consequences. Enforcement of the overstay laws has become more frequent and the consequences more severe since mid-2010. Sunbelt Asia has been at the forefront in assisting those caught up in Thailand with overstay issues and assisting others to leave the country with minimal hassles. SunbeltÂ’s Overstay Assistance is ready to travel with you to the airport and expedited your departure.
An overstay of a few day is normally not a problem and easily dealt with at the airport before departure by paying the overstay fine, anything longer than that is best dealt with at the Thai Immigration officeÂ’s Chaengwattana. But you should also be aware, that the more serious the nature of the overstay (a few days as opposed to a few weeks) the chance that you could be arrested or even blacklisted from returning to the Kingdom may increase. This possibility grows if you are involved in an incident/accident involving Thai government authorities or if you are just stopped/questioned by the police prior to your departure. While the chance of being arrested and taken to the Immigration holding cell and/or blacklisted for an overstay has been small in the past it does not mean that it cannot happen. Because of this lawyers at Sunbelt Asia recommend that you bring an immigration attorney with you if you are trying to resolve a serious overstay.
If you pay the accumulated overstay fine at the Immigration OfficeÂ’s Chaengwattana location, you are required to present your plane ticket with a confirmed departure date. In some cases, the party that has overstayed may be required to also apply for a 7-day extension (with a government fee of 1,900 THB).
If you choose to continue overstaying your visa you will be in violation of the terms of your visa and will be breaking Thai law until you resolve the overstay. You should be extremely careful until your departure and avoid getting into any trouble. Once at the airport you will need to pay the overstay fine to the Passport Control officer. Sunbelt Asia has lawyers who assist those traveling out of the country with an overstay to liaise with Passport Control should any issues arise.
Because of the serious nature and the potential consequences for those who have overstayed a very long time or have done so multiple times, we recommend that you meet with our Sunbelt immigration attorney and have one present with you either at the Immigration offices or Passport Control at the airport when trying to resolve the matter with a minimum of negative repercussions for you. Our professional fee for this service is 3,000 Baht plus VAT and travel fees.