Ursprungligen postat av karbonara
Jävla n00bs alltså rolf wtf
Hörde om en kille som bodde vid Ikebukurolinjen (eller 池袋線 som man skriver i Japan) i ett år och inte fattade varför det ibland blev dyrare när han gick av i Ikebukuro

Alltså när tågen blev tjockutsuu med Jurackutjåsen!!

Ja, Yurakuchou eller Fukutoshin-sen, som för övrigt kopplades ihop med Toyoko i lördags! Otsukare- till gamla Shibuya-stationen säger jag.
Men den största nooben av alla måste vara den
amerikan som skrev detta:
"[...] when I first came to Japan I lived near Musashi-Shinjo. Musashi-Shinjo is a JR only stop so I'd get on the train and look at the JR provided map not knowing that there were more trains. According to that map to get to Shibuya I needed to take the yellow line (Nambu line) to Kawasaki, switch to the blue or orange line (blue = Keihin Tohoku line) and then switch to the green line (Yamanote line). I did that for the first 6 months I was here. It took about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
After about 6 months I finally found out there was a train from Musashi-Kosugi (2 stops from Musashi-Shinjo) that went directly to Shibuya. It's called the Toyoko line. It was maybe 6 minutes to Musashi-Kosugi and 30 minutes to Shibuya.
It gets better though. 2 months after that I found out there was a train directly from Musashi-Mizonokuchi to Shibuya. I actually lived almost exactly half way between Musashi-Shinjo and Musashi-Mizonokuchi but looking at the JR map I thought I never had a reason to go in that direction so I never did. From Musashi-Mizonokuchi to Shibuya was only 20 minutes! That's the Den-en-toshi line. It pays to learn about the non-JR trains!"