Ursprungligen postat av Grumbo
Ryssland är ett extremt vackert o trevligt land. Att en cuckstat avråder från resor dit beror på att Sverige styrs av sionister.
Det framgår inte vilken stat du avser med "cuckstat"?
Kan det vara USA? "Do not travel to Russia due to the consequences of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces. U.S. citizens may face harassment or detention by Russian security officials, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, limited flights into and out of Russia, and the possibility of terrorism. The U.S. Embassy has limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia. The Department has determined that there is a continued risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals by Russian authorities. U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should leave immediately."
Norge? "Utenriksdepartementet fraråder alle reiser til Russland. Ambassaden har meget begrensede muligheter til å yte konsulær bistand til norske borgere som befinner seg i landet."
Finland: "Undvik alla resor till Ryssland."
Danmark? "Vi fraråder alle rejser til hele Rusland. "
Tyskland? "Von Reisen in die Russische Föderation wird dringend abgeraten."
Frankrike? "Dans le contexte de la guerre dÂ’agression menée par la Russie en Ukraine et dÂ’une situation intérieure volatile, il est formellement déconseillé de se rendre dans lÂ’ensemble du territoire de la Russie."